Piecing Together the Puzzle of Social Media Success - Titan Digital

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Piecing Together the Puzzle of Social Media Success

When working with social media platforms, it is important to consider smaller pieces to the puzzle. It’s great to understand how the platforms work and what type of content works well with each, but smaller pieces tend to have a bigger impact on platform awareness and branding. Better communication, understanding a platform’s algorithm, using accurate hashtags, and knowing the variations of admins are strong core pieces in taking advantage of a platform. 

Communicating with an Online Audience  

How do you handle direct messaging on a professional page or website? Responding to customers promptly and efficiently when they message has a significant effect on how the customer views the company. If you are not available to message in real time, you can set up an auto reply. Facebook even has a marker on your Facebook page that shows visitors how quickly you respond to direct messages.

Comments have become a new way to have a user’s voice heard, whether that be a positive or negative voice. When a customer leaves a comment on your business page, there should always be an employee monitoring comments that can respond. This shows that your company cares for its customers and wants to interact.   

Negative comments are easy to come by these days, no matter what the context or content is in the given situation. No one likes a negative comment but, they are bound to pop up on your page. The best tactic to handle these is to respond to the comment as quickly as possible. If things are not going smoothly, you can hide those types of comments as well. 

Engage the Algorithms 

Algorithms determine most of what you see on any social platform. Facebook prioritizes meaningful interactions to generate engagement. Instagram prioritizes image quality and relevancy to show the “best” posts to the most people. LinkedIn prioritizes connection strength and engagement with people to showcase quality business content. Twitter prioritizes timing to show the most relevant and current content. 

Generally, the more someone engages with a certain account, the more likely they are to see their future posts. Furthermore, the more people engage with your content, the further the reach it will get.

How Algorithms Work: 

When a company with approximately 1,000 followers’ posts something, 50-100 people may initially see the post. If just 5 people interact with the post, it might reach another 50 people. If 5 of those original 50 people interact or share, it may reach another 50. Combined we would have reached 150 – 200 people. 

For instance, the more insurance content your audience interacts with, the more of it they will see.

#Hashtag – That’s Redundant 

Hashtags put your content in front of people who are searching for any of your included terms. Ex: #carinsurance They’re primarily useful on Instagram and Twitter but accepted on Facebook too. Research is important; hashtags shouldn’t be arbitrary. Hashtags can help make connections across online communities.

Keep in mind these rules when planning out hashtags for your next post.  

1. A hashtag should contain only one word without spaces.  

2. No punctuation should be included.  

3. Include the hashtag within or after your message.  

4. Don’t overuse them. Instagram is the only platform where using 10+ hashtags is acceptable. 

Admins? How Many Do You Want? 

What is an Admin? What do they do exactly that’s so important in maintaining a polished image online? An admin, by definition, is a person responsible for running a business, organization, or in this case an online page. Admins for different platforms require different rules. 

Facebook’s admin center is labeled as a Business Manager. This allows the page owner or admin to add other admins and restrict what they can do. Twitter requires that only one login is used per account. This in turn means each team member must have the username, password, or direct number associated with the account. LinkedIn has a Designated Admin. This role is only for the single person who created the initial page. Designated Admin can invite others to be added as admins. LinkedIn has a variety of admin titles: Sponsored Content Poster, Lead Gens Form Manager, & Pipeline Builder Admin. In the same case as Twitter, Instagram requires one login per account.  

What’s the relevance of admins for social media success? It’s all dependant on the platform and its rules. For example, Instagram has one login. If the original creator of the page leaves the company, how will the Instagram page be transferred from the previous employees’ phone number? If the previous employee won’t give the page access to the company then this can cause a problem for the success of your social media.

Keep at it – The Results are Worth It 

Every aspect of the business page you create matters. Here are some key questions and things to keep in mind. Is the audience responsive on the platform?  Remember people want to connect and talk with you. Put forth the effort to connect with your audience and interact with them. Does the content being posted best suit the platform of choice? Don’t forget that the smaller things can make a big difference in how your audience responds to your posts. Once you begin building up the connection with your community, your community will interact with you first. They will share and start conversations about your company in a positive light. This can give your employees a drive to make sure that every client they interact with is satisfied in working with your company. If you can make time, even just a little, it will go a long way if you just keep at the social media game.

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Titan Web Marketing Solutions provides insurance agency marketing services to agencies all throughout the United States. If your insurance agency needs digital marketing help Contact Us today.